I believe that there is an innate impulse of connection, built in our system, that is operating as a compass. Sometimes ignited by meeting another soul, sometimes by meeting an inner dimension that feels like home. This song is one capsule of my life’s story - it is a love song.
Singing with Zoharel Jah my son, is a special moment. To share thע message the words carry, and to weave our voices together is a cherished pearl in the rosary of my life. May we all be healthy, connected, resilient, and free of suffering.
Being conscious of being aware, and being aware of being conscious.My prayer in this song is that it inspires a sense of connection, inner peace and gratitude for this lifetime. As we are mirrors for one another, we can see ourselves in those we are moved by and acknowledge that the world we live in is significantly affected by how we connect inwardly. The way we see ourselves is impacting the world we inhabit.
The song was written while camping in a magical spot on the outskirts of Zion Park in Utah, with ancient rocks and cliffs that looked like first people faces all around under a mystical sky and a full moon. Raw and beautiful and alive, I felt the undeniable connection with the universe and how nature is reflecting my inner core.
Ein Sof (אין סוף) is the Hebrew term for ‘Infinite’.
This song expresses the notion that life is a gift and led by the source of all. I am a note in the great symphony of life, played by the artist of creation.
We arrive into this world empty-handed, and we cannot take anything with us when we depart it.
A visual and poetic expression of the multiple facets in nature and life
. Consciousness is reflective, and we are seen by everything we see.
The universe is diverse and made of undeniable connections,
as life is a unified field of love, an essence that is Oneness expressed by infinite forms.
Blessed To Chant
Featuring Deva Premal
A devotional bridge connecting the ancient root languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit
Made Of Love
A call from within, to acknowledge that everything is ultimately in service of and an expression of what we may call The Divine, Oneness, God, Love.
Born Into Body
This song wrote itself in Eckhart Tolle's retreat in the Sunshine coast
Flower Child ילד פרח
A flower that blooms - the world is its lover.
An innocent heart trusts the wisdom of its path.
Within You (To The Garden) (בך – (אל הגן
There is A whole world within a dewdrop,
inside a grain of sand - a tear of the Almighty
come and paint eternity with the brush of Time...
Homemade video
Featuring Mt.Chincogan as seen from the veranda.
River Into Ocean
If I had only one text to leave to my sons, this would be it.
Travel far and wide within, across the Universe,
never to arrive - 'cause you have never left...
The Alone To The AllOne הבודד אל הבודד
My first attempt at the homemade video clip.
The first single out of ZEH.
Sea ים
Filmed in the east coast of Australia with the humpbacks,
and in the Mediterranean...
Sheva שבע
A bit of the band I co-founded in the 90's.
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