Musician. Poet. Artist. Facilitaor of Connection.
I Facilitate connection
through Music,
Self Inquiry,
and Somatic wisdom bridges.
Troubadour of medicinal songs,
and Somatic Experiencing practitioner.
I lead workshops,
one-on-one sessions,
Live Music circles.
I Am That I Am אהיה אשר אהיה
When Moses asks the voice of the burning bush for its identity, the answer is:
'I Am That I Am'. The voice of the essence of all, in all.
A visual and poetic expression of the multiple facets in nature and life. Consciousness is reflective, and we are seen by everything we see.
The universe is diverse and made of undeniable connections, as life is a unified field of love, an essence that is Oneness expressed by infinite forms.Writings
Meditations on Music and Spirituality
Words and Worlds
From the moment I could read, I wanted to write and participate in the alchemical process when words come together to tell a story, to sing a song, to be a vessel
for insides and insights.
Words build worlds.
Sound: The Healer
Music is a shaman.
The Universe is made of frequencies
and vibrations – Music.
As ancient as Creation and contemporary as right now.
I’ve been singing and writing since childhood. I co-founded SHEVA, the Hebrew Arab world music ensemble with which toured and performed all over Israel, Europe, the U.S, and Australia, where I now reside.
For over 25 years, I have produced music, performed, and facilitated workshops focused on establishing Heart, Mind & Body connections through sacred songs, wisdom practices, natural healing, and Interfaith gatherings.
Blessed To Chant
Featuring Deva Premal
I love the phonetic connection between languages and the weaving of cultures. May this prayer bring healing wherever it is needed. Ram is the manifested Lord Vishnu in the Hindu tradition. Ram (רם) in Hebrew is 'The Most High' as in "El Ram Ve'Nisa"(אל רם ונישא)Offerings
Song Initiation
Self Inquiry through Song
Song Initiation is a process designed to support and facilitate Self-inquiry and Self-healing through writing, composing and singing your own song.
Experiential exploration of our innate wisdom.
We are naturally wise, There are simple and effective practices we can learn and implement for our well being.
Live Music
Songs for the heart & Spirit
Musical circles & concerts, live and online, sharing medicinal songs for presence
and insight,
inspired by Love, Truth & Freedom.
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